Order Processing Time: 1 - 2 Business Days
Region | Shipping (business days) | Shipped from |
UAE | 1 - 3 business days | UAE |
Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia | 2 - 4 business days | UAE |
Canada | 4 - 6 business days | UAE |
Australia | 5 - 8 business days | UAE |
Asia | 4 - 6 business days | UAE |
Rest of the world | 4 - 6 business days | UAE |
When we receive your order, it will be processed in our Dubai warehouse within 1-2 business days (weekends and holidays are not included).
Please consider the above table as guidelines, these may be subject to change. Once an order is completed, you will receive your tracking details via email. Please allow 1 business day for your tracking number to activate.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return your item for free within 60 days, with the exception of fragrance and other items listed on our returns FAQ (click HERE). To arrange returns, please contact us at shop@hudabeauty.com. You will be refunded for the amount paid for the product, excluding any shipping costs.