This Amazing DIY Ingredient Is The Beyoncé Of The Skincare World
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If there’s one thing we love at Huda Beauty HQ, other than makeup (obvs), it’s finding unusual natural ingredients that make AHHHmazing beauty DIYs. Our latest obsession is not only amazing for your body, but it’s incredible for your skin too, it’s basically the Beyoncé of the beauty world. We’re not saying oats will sing, dance, act, be gorgeous, and be cool af, but oats do have the ability to do everything from soothing acne and dandruff to exfoliating and hydrating your skin. Yes, we’re talking about simple oats, like the ones you have for breakfast, and they’ve been used for beautifying for more than 4000 years!
Why oats are awesome:
Oats are packed with anti-inflammatory properties, tons of antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, and minerals, and the complexity of oats makes them ideal for using as a home remedy for all your major skin concerns.
Oats are cleansing: Oats are super absorbent and thanks to the saponins they contain, they extract excess oil and dirt from your pores – yes, please!
Oats are moisturizing: The combination of sugars, oils, and starches in oats are incredibly soothing for your skin, while oats’ rich lipid content lock in moisture and act as a humectant, drawing water into your skin for ultimate hydration.
Oats are food for your skin: Boasting the previously mentioned vitamins and minerals, their anti-inflammatory properties relieve dry, irritated skin by normalizing your skin’s PH balance, while the proteins strengthen and protect the skin’s barrier function.
How to use Oats in your beauty routine:
For Acne: Oatmeal is a triple threat when it comes to acne! It can be used to exfoliate pore-clogging dead skin cells, as a paste to soak up sebum, and as a balm to soothe inflammation caused by skin lesions. To DIY your own acne-treating skincare routine, this two-step DIY is perfect.
Start with an oat exfoliator: Mix a cup of refined oats with three tablespoons of brown sugar, one tablespoon of honey, and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Gently rub the mixture onto your skin. This process removes dead skin cells that clog pores while helping to even and tone your skin. After your skin feels freshly scrubbed, wash with warm water. If you’re feeling extra (like us) follow your scrub with an oat mask. For this, cook oats as usual and then allow them to cool, thickening to form a paste. Slather the mix onto your skin and leave it to soak up excess oil for ten minutes. Oats are also packed with zinc, which as well as having unique skin rejuvenating properties, can help calm inflammation by killing the bacteria that might be behind your acne outbursts.
For Dry and Itchy Skin: The zinc in oats also work to improve dry and itchy skin conditions like eczema. For an easy home remedy, blend oatmeal powder with hot water to form a paste and apply it to your face, leaving it on for 20 minutes to allow zinc’s anti-inflammatory properties to do its business. If you’re dealing with a serious eczema episode, try and use this oat salve every day until the problem relents.
For Moisturizing Skin: The beta glucan in oats easily penetrates your epidermis as its molecules are small and quickly absorbed, immediately plumping the skin cells with moisture. From moisturizers and cleansers with an oatmeal base to DIYs, there’s a ton of ways to incorporate this natural moisturizer into your life. Our fav oatmeal mask (below) is an awesome weekly mask for keeping your skin hydrated.
Our Favorite DIY Oat Mask:
If you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up that will leave you feeling and looking better, give yourself an oatmeal facial. Cook together 1/2 cup hot water and 1/3 cup oatmeal, when ready remove from heat and leave it to rest until cool. When cold, mix in 1 tablespoon of plain yoghurt (packed with AHAs), 1 tablespoon of honey, turmeric, (an awesome antiaging and antibacterial powerhouse), and an egg-white for a hit of zinc and vitamin B. Apply a thin layer of the mask to your face and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
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