5 Celebs With Stretch Marks Who DGAF
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Despite the fact that 80% of the world has stretch marks, it’s not too often that we see them in the glossy pictures of magazines or online. Which is why when we see celebs embracing theirs and flaunting them on social, it makes us feel empowered. So we’re celebrating celebs who are leading the movement of self-love and acceptance by showcasing their natural, real-life bodies without a touch of Photoshop. Here are five celebs who are serving up some realness and reminding us just how normal stretch marks are.
1. Lady Gaga
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If there’s one celeb who continuously champions authenticity, it’s Lady Gaga. She’s unapologetically herself. What we love and respect about Lady Gaga is that she doesn’t just speak about issues of self-love, inclusivity, and acceptance, she acts upon them. In 2012, she founded the Born This Way Foundation with her mother, to support the mental and emotional wellness of young people, guiding them to a destination of empowerment and acceptance. So naturally, when she posts a picture on Instagram it’s real, and it’s badass AF.
2. Ashley Graham
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Model Ashley Graham is all about breaking down and rebuilding beauty standards. Since being the first plus-size model to land the cover of Sports Illustrated, she continues to remind the world that beauty goes beyond size, and stretch marks are not going to change that. Captioning this picture “I workout. I do my best to eat well. I love the skin I’m in. And I’m not ashamed of a few lumps, bumps or cellulite… And you shouldn’t be either.” Honestly, we couldn’t say it better ourselves.
3. Kelly Rowland
Kelly Rowland shared this photo proudly flaunting her stretch marks, captioned “Bitch Be Humble.” A pleasant reminder that stretch marks are totally normal, while also hinting at Kendrick Lamar’s song Be Humble, where he criticizes the overuse of Photoshop and welcomes seeing stretch marks.
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4. Rihanna
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Rihanna doesn’t do things in half measures, so when she served up these fire photos, she shut down not one, but two of society’s expectations of women. Body hair? Check. Stretch marks? Check. Both are common features on a woman’s body and nothing to hide as demonstrated by Riri. The response? Hundreds of women applauding her for her confidence. One woman even commented “Omg I’m so happy you have stretch marks! I don’t have to be ashamed of myself anymore!” As it turns out, Rihanna later revealed the marks were actually sun rays but confirmed regardless “Dats the sun but I got stretch marks.”
5. Chrissy Teigen
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Bruises from bumping kitchen drawer handles for a week. Stretchies say hi!
Okay, so we’re officially crowning Chrissy Teigen Queen of the DGAF attitude. Whether she’s publicly speaking out about politics, rewriting social norms by breastfeeding in public or proudly displaying her stretch marks on Instagram, she owns it and the internet loves her for it. Chrissy normalizes these everyday experiences and breaks down the façade that we have to be flawless, and she does it all with the sassiest sense of humor. Case and point: bruises and stretch marks, because who hasn’t accidentally walked into a table? We have, multiple times, and we’ve got the stretch marks to match. If you don’t already follow her on Instagram, you need to ASAP.
For more empowering role models, check out these women who give us major confidence goals.
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