In Studio with The LEGENDARY Jen Atkin!
Hey My Loves!! So the Queen of Hair Jen Atkin was in our studio a few weeks back and we shot a really cool Q&A together (which will go up on my YT very soon!!). I’ve known Jen for years and she is a serious BOSS. You guys know I’ve been going through hair rehab after bleaching my hair in LA a few months back, and I’ve been too scared to cut it or even touch it! Jen’s got ‘Green Fingers’ and I swear, as soon as she cuts your hair – it just grows and grows!! Mona and I were both in desperate need of a trim…so Jen cut our hair, with Office Scissors! LOVED the results and my hair felt so much better (you can even see the improvement at the end of the video!)
Check out Jen Atkin’s site:
OUAI Haircare:
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